Delicately preserved for timeless beauty, the "Everlasting Grace" arrangement features soft pink roses surrounded by dried flowers in shades of burgundy and cream. Set in an elegant black vase, this stunning bouquet is designed to last, making it a perfect gift or decor piece for those who appreciate enduring elegance. Whether celebrating a special occasion or adding a touch of sophistication to your space, this arrangement offers a lasting reminder of beauty and grace.
Approximate Size: 13 x 12 (inches)
Care Instructions
Our preserved roses are completely maintenance-free and can last a year or longer with proper care.
- Do not water the roses.
- Keep the roses away from direct sunlight, as UV light can cause their color to fade.
- Do not remove the roses from their case or base—they are securely placed and best preserved in their current position.
Custom and Personalized Orders
- Standard orders are processed within one business day from the time of placement.
- Custom orders require 2-3 business days for processing.
Disclaimer: Please note that variations will occur since all of our arrangements are uniquely handmade by our in-house designers.